Miss Amy & Her Big Kids BandTM celebrated the 4th of July weekend kick-off at
World Cafe Live in Philadelphia, July  1, 2006 to a fireworks crowd!!  Sally Starr made a patriotic guest appearance before a cheering audience!!  Miss Amy and Sally Starr together on stage made for a fabulous Yankee Doodle time!!


Michael Nise, producer of 
Dancing on Air" and "Dance Party USA"
 shown here waving flags with 
Sally Starr and Miss Amy, MC'd the show!!

Thanks, Sally,
for making this July 4th
a special one!!


Jim Popick - Guitar
Drew Tibbits - Bass
Alex Otey - Keyboards
 and Trumpet
Richard Vinet - Drums
Dan Ashton - Trombone
Kristen McLaughin and
Linda Ashton - Backup Vocals


Miss Amy
The House








Miss Amy does the ol' soft shoe to her "
Green Food" song!!

* Note her broccoli-asparagus hat!! *